
Legacy Building Campaign

A Letter from Pastor Blake

As your pastor, I am so grateful to have a congregation full of faithful givers. Your time, treasure, and talents are making an eternal impact in the lives of countless individuals here in Greenville and around the world. In May 2023, we introduced our Legacy Building Campaign. “Reaching our city to change the world,” isn’t just our slogan; it is our calling from Jesus. Over the past 33 years, we have prayerfully and intentionally ministered to this city and sent out missionaries to share the gospel all over the world.

In 1995, God called us to this property at one of the most strategic corners of Greenville. We believe it is time to make a strategic investment in our building. We are calling it a Legacy campaign because we are focusing much of the investment on the Next Generation. We want to make sure that we are positioning our church to better reach and receive children and young people.

The entirety of the Legacy Building Campaign will cost somewhere in the ballpark of $1.5 million. Phase 1 of this project will be to provide an outdoor play area – a courtyard – for our children to have a safe outdoor space, and to launch a preschool for children 2-5 years old. Phase 2 will be expanding the lobby, introducing a second GCF Kids check-in location, and transforming the warehouse into a multipurpose space to facilitate creative activities and indoor-outdoor events. Phase 3 will be renovating the sanctuary from floor to ceiling to improve both the appearance and functionality of our primary corporate space. Below are renditions for phases 1 and 2.

We are in need of one-time special gifts AND sustained monthly giving above and beyond your normal tithes and offerings. One of our hopes is that our normal operating budget and ministries can continue to do their life changing work during the campaign. Thank you for taking the time to pray (and fast) about your participation in this historic project.

If you have any questions, you can simply email us at info@gcfchurch.org, or reach out to us during our normal office hours Tuesday-Thursday (10am-3pm).

Blake Dameron



JUNE 2023

Phase 1 is underway!  “The Courtyard” (the area between the sanctuary warehouse and youth warehouse) is being transforming into a next generation recreation area. This area will not only serve our GCF Kids ministry and GCF Youth, but will also provide a safe recreation area for our new “Vineyard Preschool” as well.  Because of its role in the Vineyard Preschool, the courtyard needs to be done by August 1st. Phase 1 will cost approximately $350,000.
Thank you for taking the time to pray (and fast) about your participation in this historic project.  If you plan to participate and have not yet turned in your pledge card and/or your gift, we are asking that you turn that in before the end of June. You can drop it off at your convenience in the offering box by either entrance of the sanctuary.