
Mission – Vision – Values

Our Vision:

GCF Church’s vision is to Reach our city to change the world by loving Christ, loving people, and pursuing God’s mission.

Our Mission:

GCF Church’s mission is to exalt God by equipping His people to extend His kingdom.

We Value:

  1. The Bible and the Gospel: We believe in the authority of the Word of God and the proclamation of the gospel for the salvation of sinful humanity.
  2. Family: Building strong families through strong marriages, children’s ministry, youth outreach, and support for single parent homes.
  3. Discipleship & Leadership: Making disciples and training leaders for community and world impact by empowering each unique calling whether in the marketplace or ministry.
  4. Diversity & Reconciliation: Ethnic diversity and reconciliation to model God’s heart for every tribe, every people, and every nation.
  5. Students: Student outreach to win the next generation for the kingdom of God.
  6. Community: Church community (multi-generational) by engaging relationally and providing support for singles, married, and families (e.g. Life groups).
  7. Outreach: City outreach through engaging our communities, Gospel proclamation, and social responsibility (e.g. Building Hope Community Life Center, etc.).
  8. Missions: World missions through the proclamation of the gospel and humanitarian service.

See our Statement of Faith